Service sql server vss writer failed to start как исправить

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  • hi

    I am trying to load SQL server express 2012 localdb but it keeps failing when it comes to starting services.  I get a vss writer failed to start and to check if I have privelages to start services.  As I am the only user and have admin rights I
    am not sure how to proceed.  TThis is on windows 7 64bit?Any advice please and not to technical but OK to follow step by step guidance.  Cheers Steve

All replies

  • Using the Windows services program (services.exe) try to start the SQL Server VSS service. I presume it will fail, but you can sometimes get a better error message this way. To tell you what went wrong.

    (By the way, don’t use the services program to change the account used by any SQL Server service. You must use the SQL Server Configuration Manager program to do that. Services.msc doesn’t know how to do it properly.)

    Rick Byham, Microsoft, SQL Server Books Online, Implies no warranty

  • Hi Rick

    services.exe fails to run itself.  I selected Run as Administrator and nothing happened??


  • services.exe fails to run itself

    Hello Steve,

    The Windows Service Manager is a MMC snap-in, not a stand alone executable. You can start it with “services.msc” 

    Olaf Helper

    [ Blog] [ Xing] [ MVP]

  • Thanks Olaf

    As I indicated above this is all magic to me so good simple explaining is required.

    Anyway that said when I run services.msc my SQL Server VSS Writer shows as started.  However when trying to install sqllocaldb64 I still get a failure on starting services with a message Writer failed to start ?


  • Hi,

    According to your description, the installation of SQL Server Express 2012 LocalDB failed with the Service ‘SQL Server VSS Writer’ (SQLWriter) failed to start’ error message.

    1. Restart SQL Server VSS Writer service and see if it make any difference. Run service.msc, double-click SQL Server VSS Writer service click stop button, then click start again. In the Log On tab, it is logged on as Local System

    2. Remove and reinstall the SQL Server and see how it works.

    3. Install SQL Server 2012 Express LocalDB by running SqlLocalDB.msi.

    Troubleshoot SQL Server 2012 Express LocalDB


    Tracy Cai
    TechNet Community Support

  • Hi Tracy

    Re 1 – stopped and started Writer service which seemed to work and confirmed that on Log On tab it was Local System account.

    Re 2 – Sorry but I am not sure how to remove and install SQL Server ?

    Re 3 – Until item 2 is completed this item is mute.

    Also I have looked at the troubleshooting link and I am sorry to say it is written too in depth for me.

    Apologies again for sounding ‘dumb’ but I do want to sort this issue and with these items I have to go slow….. its an age thing (never did IT at shool)



  • Hi Tracy

    Thanks for the feedback and again please excuse my ignorance but these tasks seem a little advanced for my extremely limited IT knowledge.

    All this seems a little extreme to enable me to run a £20 piece of game software which apparently runs on most peoples pc’s.  Quite frankly this level of remove install scares me a little that I may ‘damage’ my pc.

    I need to check what version of sql server I have on my pc and then probably go back to the software provider to see if it differs from what they require.

    Unless there are setting changes I can carry out I would guess at this stage I do not want to worry about remove/ install.



  • Just an update / clarification

    As part of a software installation I have purchased it requires the loading of SqlLocalDB64 prior to its main installation.  This is where I get the error message as mentioned above with VSS Writer failed to start and do I have privelages to run it.

    From the email traffic above, much of it beyond my knowledge I know now that I have 2008 version of SQL server on my pc.  So I guess my question would be will that affect the running of SqlLocalDB64 ?

    I am sure it cannot be a case of uninstalling servers but more likely a setting in this area of my system that needs altering.

    The software providers say most people (there are only one or two others) do not have this problem and it all loads fine.  I have to agree as there are not that many questions on their forum.

    So I guess I am asking for settings help rather than major install issues.  Obviously if it comes to that sort of approach I will listen to responses and take it from there.

    regards Steve

  • Latest Update

    I ran the SqlLocalDB64.msi with the VSS Writer properties window open and noticed the service tried to start for a brief second then stopped.  This then led to the usual error message of do I have privelages to run this service ?

    I can start and stop the service at will in the properties box but it will not run during SqlLocalDB64.msi installation ?

    Not sure if this helps with any thoughts ?


  • In all the above scenarios where SQLWriter Service is not able to start, Please collect a process monitor trace to validate what events you notice before a Process Exit call is made for SQLWriter.exe during startup. If the last calls are showcasing that
    the process is trying to search for MSVCR100.DLL please validate if in C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32 folder msvcr100.dll ( for SQL Server 2012 and ahead ) is present if its present please rename the same and then start back your SQLLocalDB Installation and this time
    the installation should go-through fine and the SQLWriter service should be able to start successfully.

    If this solves the issue please re-install Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 SP1 Redistributable Package. For some reasons it has been noticed that these files get into a corrupted state and the above action plan proves the same. Internally SQLLocalDB msi
    will add the MSVCR100.dll if the file is not available.


I’ve got Visual Studio 2012 installed on Windows 7 64 bit machine. I am trying to install SQL Server express LocalDB and get an error when the installer tries to start services. Here is the exact error message:

Service ‘SQL Server VSS Writer’ failed to start. Verify you have sufficient privileges to start system services.

I am logged on to the machine as administrator. I have verified that the writter in Services is running and it is set to Auto.

I have no SQL Server installed on this machine as far as I know.

I’m stumped. Anyone have any ideas?

Also when I try to start SQL Writer in Services I get the following error:

Windows could not start the SQL Server VSS Writer service on local computer.

Error 1053: The server did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion.

I had this problem while installing SQL Server 2019 express instance. Installation error suggested I install Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 Redistributable (x64). However, even after installing the 2017 redistributable, the problem persisted. However, the redistributability provided by the link in this answer titled “Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2019 Redistributable (x64)” actually solved my problem. The version number of the second version is 14.28.29325 while that of the old version (2017) is 14.16.27033

Alternatively, you can try the following basic guide:
1, Uninstall and clean completely. It is recommended to use application removal software such as ccleaner. Restart the computer.
2, Install SQL2019 separately, restart the computer. Make sure the installation is in administrator mode.
3, Reinstall, do not change the installation package, the installation packages in the world are the same. Make sure the installation is in administrator mode.


Architect at Phuong Vinh Interior Design Company, chuyen thiết kế nhà Hải Phòng và xây nhà trọn gói Hải Phòng

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  • Hello, 

    First off, this issue seems identical to what was dicussed in this thread I have tried the solution from it, i.e.
    renaming the system32msvcr.dll file. Still no luck. When attempting to run the SqlLocalDB.msi file of the 2019 version I am getting the following error:

    In the Application log:

    Index              : 6606
    EntryType          : Error
    InstanceId         : 11920
    Message            : Product: Microsoft SQL Server 2019 LocalDB  -- Error 1920. Service 'SQL Server VSS Writer' (SQLWri
                         ter) failed to start. Verify that you have sufficient privileges to start system services.
    Category           : (0)
    CategoryNumber     : 0
    ReplacementStrings : {Product: Microsoft SQL Server 2019 LocalDB  -- Error 1920. Service 'SQL Server VSS Writer' (SQLWr
                         iter) failed to start. Verify that you have sufficient privileges to start system services., (NULL
                         ), (NULL), (NULL)...}
    Source             : MsiInstaller

    In the System log;

    Index              : 7609
    EntryType          : Error
    InstanceId         : 3221232472
    Message            : Сбой при запуске службы "SQL Server VSS Writer" из-за ошибки
    Category           : (0)
    CategoryNumber     : 0
    ReplacementStrings : {SQL Server VSS Writer, %%1053}
    Source             : Service Control Manager

    Apologies, the text is in Russian since the OS is Russian (not my choice). It literally means Failure to start SQL Server VSS Writer due to errir 1053. I have attempted to manually start the service in the Services.msc – no luck. Switching Local System account
    to another admin account also didn’t help. Has anyone else experienced the same issue and managed to get past it?

    Thank you 


    • Edited by

      Sunday, April 5, 2020 2:09 PM


  • Hello Alex,

    Here is a similar thread, you can refer to:


    To confirm, with the installer on the abort, retry, ignore, cancel dialog up… go into services.msc and set the username and password manually. If you get a message saying the user was granted logon as service right, try hitting retry on the MSI dialog
    and see if it starts.

    It could also be missing dependencies or exceptions being thrown in your code.

    Hope it will help.

    Best Regards


    MSDN Community Support
    Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” the responses that resolved your issue, and to click “Unmark as Answer” if not. This can be beneficial to other community members reading this thread. If you have any compliments or complaints to
    MSDN Support, feel free to contact

    • Marked as answer by
      Aleksandr V. Alekseev
      Monday, April 6, 2020 11:33 AM

У меня установлена ​​Visual Studio 2012 на 64-битной машине с Windows 7. Я пытаюсь установить SQL Server Express локальной БД и получить ошибку, когда установщик пытается запустить службы. Вот точное сообщение об ошибке:

Service "SQL Server VSS Writer failed to start.  Verify you have sufficient privileges to start system services.

Я вошел в систему как администратор. Я проверил, что писатель в Службах работает, и это установлено на Авто.

Насколько я знаю, на этом компьютере не установлен SQL Server.

Я в тупике. У кого-нибудь есть идеи?

Также, когда я пытаюсь запустить SQL Writer в Сервисах, я получаю следующую ошибку:

Windows could not start the SQL Server VSS Writer service on local computer.

Error 1053:  The server did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion.

2013-04-23 03:16


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