Something is creating script errors как исправить

This is somewhat easy, however if you mess up you might need a reinstallation.
Goto your Garry’s Mod installation folder (normally Program Files (x86)/Steam/SteamApps/common/garrysmod/garrysmod/), and go into the lua folder, then go into the menu folder. There will be a errors.lua file, open it using wordpad. Look for the following value:

local EndTime = SysTime() – 10

Change that 10 to 0 to completely disable it, or 1 to at least know when there’s an error. Then save it, after backing up the file. See, if there’s a lua error in one of the menu lua files, the game won’t launch. If it breaks and you can’t seem to fix it, validate cache.

Last edited by Global;
14 Sep, 2014 @ 7:36pm

Originally posted by Cycle:

This is somewhat easy, however if you mess up you might need a reinstallation.
Goto your Garry’s Mod installation folder (normally Program Files (x86)/Steam/SteamApps/common/garrysmod/garrysmod/), and go into the lua folder, then go into the menu folder. There will be a errors.lua file, open it using wordpad. Look for the following value:

local EndTime = SysTime() – 10

Change that 10 to 0 to completely disable it, or 1 to at least know when there’s an error. Then save it, after backing up the file. See, if there’s a lua error in one of the menu lua files, the game won’t launch. If it breaks and you can’t seem to fix it, validate cache.

Holy hell, it worked! Thank you so much man!

I’ve been looking for a fix for this for ages. Cheers mate.

Thanks Alci This worked and iam finding a solution to this problem you helped a mill thx

OMG thank you so much. I DESPISE that message. Thanks.

i also had that problem i very long time but i just deleted some stuff on my (Steam_Hard-drive) and everything is working now as it should now scrpit errors. Nothing

you know error script help me one time to get a skin model

the answer of ages has finally come

do any of you have meth?

Originally posted by Cringecity:

This is somewhat easy, however if you mess up you might need a reinstallation.
Goto your Garry’s Mod installation folder (normally Program Files (x86)/Steam/SteamApps/common/garrysmod/garrysmod/), and go into the lua folder, then go into the menu folder. There will be a errors.lua file, open it using wordpad. Look for the following value:

local EndTime = SysTime() – 10

Change that 10 to 0 to completely disable it, or 1 to at least know when there’s an error. Then save it, after backing up the file. See, if there’s a lua error in one of the menu lua files, the game won’t launch. If it breaks and you can’t seem to fix it, validate cache.

Thank you, been needing help on dis

IF you really want to totally hide them you must set to 0 this string too:


Recent = SysTime() – 0

this seems to hide the message of the errors, but the errors themselves still show up in the console, i need a way to remove them from the console entirely


26 May, 2017 @ 2:19am 

It doesnt hide the message of the errors for me…

there was no error in the lua menue folder

если хочется убрать ошибку.



-- Here we get a callback from the game/client code on Lua errors, and display a nice notification.


-- This should help `newbs` find out which addons are crashing by discord evor#3037 .


local Errors = {}

hook.Add( "OnLuaError", "MenuErrorHandler", function( str, realm, stack, addontitle, addonid )

-- This error is caused by a specific workshop addon

--[[if ( isstring( addonid ) ) then

-- Down Vote

steamworks.Vote( addonid, false )

-- Disable Naughty Addon

timer.Simple( 5, function()

MsgN( "Disabling addon '", addontitle, "' due to lua errors" )

steamworks.SetShouldMountAddon( addonid, false )


end )


if ( addonid == nil ) then addonid = 0 end

if ( Errors[ addonid ] ) then

Errors[ addonid ].times = Errors[ addonid ].times + 1

Errors[ addonid ].last = SysTime()



local text = language.GetPhrase( "errors.something_p" )

-- We know the name, display it to the user

if ( isstring( addontitle ) ) then

text = string.format( language.GetPhrase( "errors.addon_p" ), addontitle )


local error = {

first = SysTime(),

last = SysTime(),

times = 1,

title = addontitle,

x = 32,

text = text


Errors[ addonid ] = error

end )


end )

найди errors.lua в SteamsteamappscommonGarrysModgarrysmodluamenu
и замени всё на этот код
я сделал чтобы таблички с ошибкой непоявлялось

Ошибка something is creating script errors gmod что делать?

[ERROR] lua/weapons/cw_blackops3_base/cl_graphics.lua:106: bad argument #2 to ‘GetBonePosition’ (number expected, got no value) 1. GetBonePosition – [C]:-1&lt;br&gt;<br> 2. unknown – lua/weapons/cw_blackops3_base/cl_graphics.lua:106

22439 просмотров

больше 5 лет назад

Garry’s Mod

1 ответ


Здравствуйте, сообщение о сбое говорит нам что в файле lua/weapons/cw_blackops3_base/cl_graphics.lua:106 произошла ошибка исполнения, такое бывает после установки каких либо модификаций, а так же это может произойти из-за обычного сбоя. Как можно исправить эту ошибку, и сделать так чтобы игра работала?
Во 1 попробуйте просто удалить этот файл, посмотрите, сможет ли игра работать без него.
Во 2 попробуйте обновить игру до последней версии, либо поставьте патч (если у вас пиратская версия)
В 3 если ничего из указанного мною выше вам не поможет, вы можете попробовать найти этот файл в интернете (главное чтоб он был рабочий) и просто заменить на ваш
Напоминаю, нужный вам файл из-за которого игра работает не корректно находится в lua/weapons/cw_blackops3_base/cl_graphics.lua:106.

Ответ дан

больше 5 лет назад


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Garry’s Mod can be a great source of entertainment and a perfect way for modding fans to delve into a world of user-created content. However, Garry’s Mod can sometimes be difficult to run due to an array of tedious errors.

One of the most common issues that occurs when running Garry’s Mod is the dreaded script error. Script errors can cause a wide range of issues ranging from in-game graphical errors to a game crash. It’s important to know how to fix script errors in Garry’s Mod in order to keep your game running.

Reasons Behind the Script Error

Improper installation: Garry’s Mod can sometimes encounter script errors if it’s not installed properly. The game should be installed on a clean system with no other mods enabled.

External conflicts: Script errors may be a result of external conflicts such as a wireless mouse/keyboard or an active anti-virus.

Corrupted data: Corrupted file or data can also lead to script errors.

How to Fix Script Errors in Garry’s Mod

Run the game as an administrator: Running the game as an administrator may sometimes help to fix script errors. To do this, you have to right-click the Garry’s Mod shortcut and select “Run as Administrator”.

Restart your computer: Restarting the system will flush out some of the errors and conflicts which may have caused script errors.

Verify game files: Verifying the game files through Steam will check the integrity of your game files and check to see if any of the files are missing or corrupted.

Update your graphics drivers: Make sure that your graphics drivers are updated to the latest version.

Change your game resolution: Changing your game resolution may sometimes fix the issue. Try changing the game resolution and check if the issue persists.

Run the game in Window Mode: If the game was running in full-screen mode, try running the game in windowed mode.

  • Disable addons: Disabling addons may help to fix the script error.


What is a script error in Garry’s Mod?

A script error in Garry’s Mod is an error caused by an external conflict or improperly installed files. The script error can cause a variety of issues including graphical errors and even crashes.

How do I know if I have a script error in Garry’s Mod?

The most common symptom of a script error is a game crash. Other indications include excessive lags, graphical artifacts, non-responsive game, and more.

How can I prevent script errors in Garry’s Mod?

You can prevent script errors in Garry’s Mod by running the game as an administrator, verifying the game files on Steam, updating your drivers, changing the resolution of the game, disabling addons, and restarting your system.

What can I do if my script errors aren’t fixed?

If your script errors still persist, you can try reinstalling the game. Make sure to install the game on a clean system with no other mods enabled.

What causes script errors in Garry’s Mod?

Script errors in Garry’s Mod can be caused by improper installation, conflicts with external devices, and corrupted data.

SonicFromR (25.11.2017, 20:11) писал:
Когда я загружаю карту, мне два раза выскакивает надпись “Something is creating script errors”, а в консоли спамит без перерыва такую ошибку:                                                       MENU ERROR: lua/menu/mount/mount.lua:91: attempt to call method ‘SubscriptionsProgress’ (a nil value) lua/menu/mount/mount.lua:91 [v]
lua/includes/modules/hook.lua:84 []
Подскажите, как исправить! (не мешает играть, но я все равно хочу её исправить)
GMod 13, пиратка.

Лично у меня на чистом пиратском гмоде 13 это вылезало, я в файлах поковырялся, у меня workshop.lua пустой, потому и спамит. Я залез в mount.lua и удалил все, кроме второй строчки local vgui_workshop = nil и – вуаля, все готово, ниче не спамит. Там ниче важного нет, вродь отвечает за окошко workshop снизу

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