Starbound лагает как исправить


253 ratings


В данном руководстве я расскажу о нескольких способах повышения всеми заветного FPS на приемлемый показатель (+60fps
— скажу сразу, тут собраны все ~действующие способы найденые в интернете, я их собрал для Вашего удобства.


Добро пожаловать в моё руководство, в котором я расскажу Вам о том как поднять FPS в Starbound.

— сразу хочется пояснить всем – моё руководство может не повысить сильно или вовсе не повысить FPS.
— еще один момент, таких гайдов много, да! но я решил совместить все способы в одном красиво оформленном руководстве.

Первое — конфиг


  • Перво-наперво открываем папку с игрой Starbound. (E:SteamSteamAppscommonStarboundstorage)
  • Затем открываем файл с названием – starbound.config с помощью любого текстового редактора.
  • Далее ищем с помощью комбинаций клавиш (Ctrl+F) слово “vsync” и заменяем значение на “false” – которое стоит по умолчанию на “true”
  • Сохраняем наш файл и заходим в Starbound и смотрим помог ли нам данный способ.

— также можете попробовать при запуске Starbound запускать 32-битную версию игры.

Второе — мастерская

Также можно по устанавливать разных дополнение из мастерской.

Parallax Removal — Этот мод намерен улучшить показатели fps, удалив все параллакса изображений. Вы не увидите никаких параллакса изображений в вашей планет (пышный фон, пустыня, фон, здания и т. д.), только космический фон.
Optimizebound — Этот мод направлен на улучшение производительности игры без каких-либо заметных потерь качества. Для достижения этого я использовал PNGGauntlet, PNG-Формат без потерь сжатия инструментов, чтобы оптимизировать все PNG в радиусе активов ‘assets.pak’. Самые заметные улучшения вы сможете заметить, – это быстрая загрузка чанка, до такой степени, что его почти не будет заметно, кроме того, он может снизить microstutterings и даст небольшой прирост ФПС.

No Shadows — Этот мод увеличивает производительность путем отключения точку светлых теней через .patch для lighting.config. Все точечные источники света будут действовать как обычные фары. Уменьшение в атмосфере, мы надеемся на увеличение частоты кадров.

Perfect armor effect/lag remover — Этот мод просто удаляет этот странный зеленый эффект частиц от совершенной брони и повышает fps.


Итак, надеюсь я хоть чем-то помог Вам.

Надеюсь на хорошею оценку данного руководства.

Повторюсь, данное руководство создан с целью собрать все ~действующие способы по повышению FPS и заключить их на одной странице, с чем я надеюсь справился.

В данном руководстве я расскажу о нескольких способах повышения всеми заветного FPS на приемлемый показатель (+60fps
— скажу сразу, тут собраны все ~действующие способы найденые в интернете, я их собрал для Вашего удобства.

Добро пожаловать в моё руководство, в котором я расскажу Вам о том как поднять FPS в Starbound.

— сразу хочется пояснить всем – моё руководство может не повысить сильно или вовсе не повысить FPS.
— еще один момент, таких гайдов много, да! но я решил совместить все способы в одном красиво оформленном руководстве.

Первое — конфиг


  • Перво-наперво открываем папку с игрой Starbound. (E:SteamSteamAppscommonStarboundstorage)
  • Затем открываем файл с названием – starbound.config с помощью любого текстового редактора.
  • Далее ищем с помощью комбинаций клавиш (Ctrl+F) слово “vsync” и заменяем значение на “false” – которое стоит по умолчанию на “true”
  • Сохраняем наш файл и заходим в Starbound и смотрим помог ли нам данный способ.

— также можете попробовать при запуске Starbound запускать 32-битную версию игры. 

Второе — мастерская

Также можно по устанавливать разных дополнение из мастерской.
Parallax Removal — Этот мод намерен улучшить показатели fps, удалив все параллакса изображений. Вы не увидите никаких параллакса изображений в вашей планет (пышный фон, пустыня, фон, здания и т. д.), только космический фон.

Optimizebound — Этот мод направлен на улучшение производительности игры без каких-либо заметных потерь качества. Для достижения этого я использовал PNGGauntlet, PNG-Формат без потерь сжатия инструментов, чтобы оптимизировать все PNG в радиусе активов ‘assets.pak’. Самые заметные улучшения вы сможете заметить, – это быстрая загрузка чанка, до такой степени, что его почти не будет заметно, кроме того, он может снизить microstutterings и даст небольшой прирост ФПС.

No Shadows — Этот мод увеличивает производительность путем отключения точку светлых теней через .patch для lighting.config. Все точечные источники света будут действовать как обычные фары. Уменьшение в атмосфере, мы надеемся на увеличение частоты кадров.

Perfect armor effect/lag remover — Этот мод просто удаляет этот странный зеленый эффект частиц от совершенной брони и повышает fps.


Итак, надеюсь я хоть чем-то помог Вам.

Starbound — приключенческая ролевая инди-аркада с элементами платформера и экшена. Вы вынуждены бежать со своей планеты, угнав корабль. Спасаясь от погони, вы попадаете на неизвестную планету. Отсюда и начнутся ваши приключения, в этой процедурно-генерируемой песочнице.

Системные требования и тест ПК


  • Windows XP
  • Процессор: Core 2 Duo
  • 2 GB ОЗУ
  • 3 GB HDD
  • DirectX 9.0c
  • Подключение к интернету
  • Клавиатура, мышь
  • Видеопамять: 256 MB


  • Windows XP
  • Процессор: Core i3
  • 4 GB ОЗУ
  • 4 GB HDD
  • DirectX 9.0c
  • Подключение к интернету
  • Клавиатура, мышь

Тест ПК

How do I improve Starbound’s performance? This question is asked frequently, and this page contains 100% of what we know.

Why does Starbound lag[edit]

Starbound (by itself, even without any mods) is very poorly optimized. It only uses 1 CPU core for server (in singleplayer too), and only 1 CPU core for client. It also doesn’t use the GPU (all graphics are calculated by CPU). So regardless of how good your computer is, you might still run into problems.

However, things like ITDs can also contribute to the lag. See #Self-inflicted lag below.

Methods that work[edit]

These methods are known to improve game speed:

  • Turn off vsync
    How: find the file storage/starbound.config within your Starbound directory. Edit it, replacing the line "vsync" : true, (which is slow) with "vsync" : false, (which is faster).
    Why it helps: 99% of games don’t suffer from vsync being enabled (in fact, it’s better for them), because vsync is normally done by GPU. But Starbound doesn’t use GPU, so having vsync means “your CPU needs to do more work”.

    Details on what “doesn’t use GPU” means:

    When we say that game “doesn’t use GPU”, we mean that it uses CPU (central processor) to calculate the color of all pixels that need to be displayed, and then feeds that result to GPU (which shows it on the screen). So GPU is still used, but it doesn’t do anything smart. It just shows the result.

    Optimized games (that “use GPU”) will instead give instructions like “draw triangle here” to GPU (instead of throwing a huge array of pixels at the GPU). Also, their CPU is not busy with calculating how to color, light, etc. these pixels, as this is done by GPU, and much more efficiently.

  • More zoom
    How: in game options, dial it down 2x to 3x, etc.
    Why it helps: Less things for game to draw.
  • Use 32-bit Starbound instead of 64-bit Starbound (Windows-only)
    How: When opening the game through Steam, choose “Play Starbound (32-bit)”
    Why it helps: 64-bit Starbound has a known memory leak. It slowly gets worse every time some Lua script adds/removes items in chests, etc. For some reason 32-bit Starbound doesn’t have this memory leak.
    Possible issues: if some SAIL mission doesn’t load in 32-bit Starbound (very rarely happens on very large mission maps like Verdant Ruins), you can complete this mission in 64-bit Starbound, and then continue using 32-bit version.
  • If you have Linux, run Starbound on Linux
    Why it helps: Starbound was originally developed on Linux, and apparently it was optimized for Linux more than it was optimized for Windows. It is known to run better on Linux with the same hardware.

Methods that might work[edit]

Disclaimer: these methods are only theoretically helpful. It’s not proven that they help. Their impact may be negligible or non-existent.

  • Mods that decrease the complexity of graphics/animations (not giving any links to them).
    Why they might work: if something animated was replaced by something non-animated, the game has less to draw.
    Negative impact: less pretty.
  • Mods that decrease rendering distance (e.g. turn off torches, etc. outside the player’s view).
    Why they might work: Every light source requires extra calculations. Less rendering distance = less light sources.
    Negative impact: can reduce performance when you are actively moving (less rendering distance = things need to be rendered more often). Also you might actually need the light from out-of-screen sources (to see on your home base, in tile-protected dungeons, etc.). These mods can cause “non-rendered area” to be sometimes seen by player (“I sit in the captain’s chair, and half of my ship visually disappears” kinds of problems).
  • Mods that optimize quests by making them check “Has item N been obtained?” less frequently.
    Why they might work: this is checked too often (several times per second), and when you have many dozens of unfinished quests (which you should avoid anyway, see #Self-inflicted lag below), this can reduce performance.
    Negative impact: potential issues with “defeat monsters” quests. Also every time you obtain the necessary quest item, there will be a 1-3 seconds delay before the quest counts as completed.

Methods that absolutely never work[edit]

  • Any “fps improver” and “thread increaser” mods – these are placebo. They don’t work.
    Why they can’t work: Starbound mods simply don’t have the engine access that would allow them to “increase threads”, etc. Any mod that claims to do so is lying/fraudulent. It doesn’t matter how plausible it sounds: they are incorrect or lying.

    Info for modders: about workerPoolThreads variable:

    While there is a configuration setting that makes Starbound spawn more threads, the game will NOT use them for any useful computations. The true problem is, Starbound doesn’t know how to distribute its tasks between threads (which is why it doesn’t spawn them). You can make it spawn 100 threads, but Starbound will keep computing everything in one of them.
    Numerous mods that change this variable are 100% placebo.

  • Image optimization mods: we have thoroughly tested this approach, and there was no impact on performance whatsoever.

Self-inflicted lag[edit]

99% of “Starbound is slow” problems are Starbound’s fault, but here are some situations when the player makes the game slower:

  • Using non-throttled Item Transference Devices
    Why is this slow: Because ITDs try to move items several times per second. Every time they need to check ALL slots of ALL input/output chests.
    Impact: very, very high. Having even 5-10 non-throttled ITDs will decrease performance of the game. With 20 your game will lag to a halt.
    How to fix: Use a Configurable 3-State Cycler (its page explains how) with your ITDs. It will drastically (by more than 10 times) reduce CPU usage by each ITD, since most ITDs don’t need to run multiple times per second.
  • Using too many Watchers
    Why is this slow: Starbound needs to run calculations in every loaded part of the map, and Watchers keep more of the map loaded. Having several necessary Watchers is ok, but if you place a ton of them, it will slow down the game.
  • Lots of tethered pets, NPCs, farm beasts nearby
    Why is this slow: Each of them needs some calculations. It’s probably ok for 10 Mooshi cows, but 100 of them will lag.
  • Nearby chests with many weapons, saplings, mech parts, etc. (especially bad on player’s ship)
    Why is this slow: Each time such chest appears in the loaded area of the map, Starbound runs “buildscripts” (Lua scripts that run when some item “appears” in the game) for every single item in that chest. Because weapons, saplings, etc. all have buildscripts, having a chest with 128 weapons is not something that you want on your base/ship. Basic resources (crafting materials, liquids, blocks) don’t cause this problem, because they don’t have complex buildscripts.
    How to fix: Move chests with weapons, mech parts, saplings, etc. to some far away area (ideally onto another planet).
  • Accepting too many quests and not completing them (except SAIL missions like Verdant Ruins, they are okay to accept and keep unfinished)
    Why is this slow: For every quest like “obtain Hydrogen” or “find Ferozium Cleaver”, the game frequently checks “does the player have this item”. For every quest like “save NPC from bandits”, the game checks “is NPC still alive, is player near the NPC, are bandits defeated”, etc. This is insignificant for 5-10 quests, but if you accept 20+ quests at the same time, then slowdown will start building up.
  • Broken mods, or far too many mods
    Why is this slow: Errors require your game to process and attempt to resolve them. More mods adds more chance for incompatibilities, and adds more scripts for the game to keep track of.
    How to fix: Read Incompatible, and check your mods. If you’re using 200+ mods, consider whether you need them all (races you’re not playing, etc.). Try to avoid mods which haven’t been updated prior to the current version of Starbound (1.4.4, released 7th August 2019), and those which are especially script-heavy.

Other best practices[edit]

  • Avoid functional machinery on the player’s ship. If one planet lags because of many extractors/sifters/centrifuges, then it’s just that one planet. If your ship lags, it’s a much bigger problem. If the shipworld’s file is too large, servers may register it as corrupt and reset it.
  • Keep storage on player’s ship to a minimum (because all buildscripts run every time you beam up, and because every stored item increases the size of your shipworld). Having a locker with EPPs and EPP Augments is ok, but don’t have 20 chests with everything up there.
  • If you build large automated factories, have them on different planets (not on the same planet as your main base, so that it won’t lag because of those factories).
  • If you use rails (vanilla Starbound feature), know that the Rail Tram, Rusty Rail Platform and Composite Rail Platform are badly affected by lag, while the FU-added Solid Rail Platform suffers less from this (tradeoff: you can’t jump or drop through it). You can also use a Powered Rail Hook, which is much less affected by lag.

If Starbound takes 5+ minutes to start[edit]

You probably have unpacked mods (e.g. if you have installed FU from GitHub). Mods load significantly faster from .pak file (see Starbounder: Modding Basics for how to pack/unpack mods), especially with HDD. With SSD this is less relevant (the game loads very quickly even with unpacked FU).

  • Mods from Steam Workshop are already packed (you don’t need to worry about them).
  • Each release of Frackin’ Universe comes with a .pak file already prepared.

Chucklefish Forums

  1. These are some tricks/tips to help you optimize your game, hopefully these work for you, if they don’t then make sure to tell me because I’ll try to find other ways to fix the FPS and edit this post.

    CONFIG File:

    • Step 1. Go to C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonStarboundstorage

    • Step 2. Notepad++ –

    • Step 3. After installation, go back to the storage folder and right click on the “Starbound CONFIG” file, then click “Edit with Notepad++”

    • Step 4. Press CTRL + F and search for “vsync” without the quotation marks, once you find it, erase the word “true” beside it and put “false”. Press CTRL + F again and search for “renderSleep” again, without the quotation marks, erase the word “true” beside it and replace it with “false”.

    • Step 5. Click “File” and then save it.

    • Step 6. Go back to the “Starbound” folder, there will be two folders called “Win64” and “Win32” these stand for “Windows 64/32 bit” In order to find out whether your computer is a 64 or 32 bit, follow the next step.

    • Step 7. Click the start button and type “This PC”, right click on “This PC” and click “Properties”, look at “System type” and it should tell you if you have a 64bit or 32bit computer.

    • Step 8. After that, close out the This PC properties and go back to the “Starbound” folder, click on either Win64 or Win32, which bit you have.

    • Step 9. Right click on the “Starbound.exe” and on the top go to “Compatibility”, there will be two options are the bottom that say “Run this program as administrator” and “Disable display high scaling on DPI settings” check these both and then click apply and OK.


    • Step 1. If you don’t know how to install mods then go to Go to C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonStarboundmods and keep the folder open

    • Step 2. Download these mods:

    ○ No shadows 1.0 – (increases performance by disabling point light shadows through a patch of the lighting.config. All point lights will act as regular lights. The decrease in atmosphere will hopefully be made up for in an increase in frame rate.)

    ○ FPS-Booster v3 – (Backgrounds cause large amounts of lag, on your graphics card[Or otherwise known as GPU]. What FPS-Booster does is for those low end computers out there, is removes them so players can still play. So playing on things such as labtops with poor graphics chips can still play, Provided they got processing power & arn’t on power saving mode!)

    ○ FrackinUniverse FPS Boost 1.0 – (Some removed code and image parallax)

    • Step 3. After downloading these, drag the mod folders into the “mods” folder.

    • Step 4. Start up your game and they should be downloaded!

    I hope this helped!

    Ickura and froinchi like this.

  2. The No Shadows and FPS-Booster mods are quite outdated. Are you sure it’s still safe to use them?

    Edit: I tried them both and they indeed still work for 1.2. Thanks for linking these.
    Unfortunately all these steps make zero difference for me. :

    Last edited: Mar 29, 2017

  3. I switched to Linux and that increased frame rate like twice!
    That really surprised me

  4. please post your pc’s specs and the fps increase in this thread:
    very thankful

  5. The best option stay to have a good (atleast not bad) computer at home instead of trying to play game on a w98 computer at work ^^ (i’ve see some case…) , but without that it’s hard to make starbound lag even with bunch of mods (im on W10 but it was ok on W7 too).

    Anyway thanks to you if your tuto make the game playable for who had issue with the game ^^

  6. i have lag on this pc:
    CPU = FX-6300
    GPU = R9 FURY NANO driver version = 17.5.2
    RAM = 8GB DDR3 1600MHz
    windows 10 pro
    and i was unable to disable vsync i set it to false but the framerate keep limited to 60 and i couldint find rendersleep
    im using starboud 1.3

  7. CPU Intel Core i5 4590 3.30 GHz
    GPU AMD Radeon R9 200 Series
    RAM 8 Go DDR3 799.85 MHz
    W10 1607version
    Strb 1.3

    Everything run well , even with mods , either in single and multiplayer.

  8. i meant my pc is pretty above the recommended specs and still the game lags and im not able to vsync or to find render sleep!!!!
    here is the config file:
    “allowAdminCommands” : true,
    “allowAdminCommandsFromAnyone” : false,
    “allowAnonymousConnections” : true,
    “allowAssetsMismatch” : false,
    “anonymousConnectionsAreAdmin” : false,
    “audioChannelSeparation” : [-25, 25],
    “bannedIPs” : [],
    “bannedUuids” : [],
    “bindings” : {
    “CameraShift” : [{
    “mods” : [],
    “type” : “key”,
    “value” : “RCtrl”
    }, {
    “mods” : [],
    “type” : “key”,
    “value” : “LCtrl”
    “ChatBegin” : [{
    “mods” : [],
    “type” : “key”,
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    “type” : “key”,
    “value” : “Return”
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    “type” : “key”,
    “value” : “Esc”
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    “mods” : [],
    “type” : “key”,
    “value” : “Right”
    }, {
    “mods” : [],
    “type” : “key”,
    “value” : “Return”
    “CinematicSkip” : [{
    “mods” : [],
    “type” : “key”,
    “value” : “Esc”
    “EmoteAnnoyed” : [{
    “mods” : [],
    “type” : “key”,
    “value” : “Right”
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    “value” : “Right”
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    “value” : “Up”
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    “type” : “key”,
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    “mods” : [“LCtrl”],
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    “value” : “Esc”
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    “mods” : [],
    “type” : “key”,
    “value” : “RShift”
    }, {
    “mods” : [],
    “type” : “key”,
    “value” : “LShift”
    “InterfaceBar1” : [{
    “mods” : [],
    “type” : “key”,
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    “InterfaceBar2” : [{
    “mods” : [],
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    “InterfaceBar3” : [{
    “mods” : [],
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    “value” : “3”
    “InterfaceBar4” : [{
    “mods” : [],
    “type” : “key”,
    “value” : “4”
    “InterfaceBar5” : [{
    “mods” : [],
    “type” : “key”,
    “value” : “5”
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    “mods” : [],
    “type” : “key”,
    “value” : “6”
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    “InterfaceBar9” : [],
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    “mods” : [],
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    “type” : “key”,
    “value” : “L”
    “InterfaceCrafting” : [{
    “mods” : [],
    “type” : “key”,
    “value” : “C”
    “InterfaceDeselectHands” : [{
    “mods” : [],
    “type” : “key”,
    “value” : “Z”
    “InterfaceEscapeMenu” : [{
    “mods” : [],
    “type” : “key”,
    “value” : “Esc”
    “InterfaceHideHud” : [{
    “mods” : [“LAlt”],
    “type” : “key”,
    “value” : “Z”
    “InterfaceInventory” : [{
    “mods” : [],
    “type” : “key”,
    “value” : “I”
    “InterfaceQuest” : [{
    “mods” : [],
    “type” : “key”,
    “value” : “J”
    “InterfaceReload” : [{
    “mods” : [],
    “type” : “key”,
    “value” : “F8”
    “InterfaceRepeatCommand” : [{
    “mods” : [],
    “type” : “key”,
    “value” : “P”
    “InterfaceToggleFullscreen” : [{
    “mods” : [],
    “type” : “key”,
    “value” : “F11”
    “KeybindingCancel” : [{
    “mods” : [],
    “type” : “key”,
    “value” : “Esc”
    “KeybindingClear” : [{
    “mods” : [],
    “type” : “key”,
    “value” : “Del”
    }, {
    “mods” : [],
    “type” : “key”,
    “value” : “Backspace”
    “PlayerDown” : [{
    “mods” : [],
    “type” : “key”,
    “value” : “S”
    “PlayerDropItem” : [{
    “mods” : [],
    “type” : “key”,
    “value” : “Q”
    “PlayerInteract” : [{
    “mods” : [],
    “type” : “key”,
    “value” : “E”
    “PlayerJump” : [{
    “mods” : [],
    “type” : “key”,
    “value” : “Space”
    “PlayerLeft” : [{
    “mods” : [],
    “type” : “key”,
    “value” : “A”
    “PlayerRight” : [{
    “mods” : [],
    “type” : “key”,
    “value” : “D”
    “PlayerShifting” : [{
    “mods” : [],
    “type” : “key”,
    “value” : “RShift”
    }, {
    “mods” : [],
    “type” : “key”,
    “value” : “LShift”
    “PlayerTechAction1” : [{
    “mods” : [],
    “type” : “key”,
    “value” : “F”
    “PlayerTechAction2” : [],
    “PlayerTechAction3” : [],
    “PlayerUp” : [{
    “mods” : [],
    “type” : “key”,
    “value” : “W”
    “ShowLabels” : [{
    “mods” : [],
    “type” : “key”,
    “value” : “RAlt”
    }, {
    “mods” : [],
    “type” : “key”,
    “value” : “LAlt”
    “TitleBack” : [{
    “mods” : [],
    “type” : “key”,
    “value” : “Esc”
    “borderless” : true,
    “checkAssetsDigest” : false,
    “clearPlayerFiles” : false,
    “clearUniverseFiles” : false,
    “clientIPJoinable” : false,
    “clientP2PJoinable” : true,
    “configurationVersion” : {
    “basic” : 2,
    “client” : 8
    “crafting” : {
    “filterHaveMaterials” : false
    “fullscreen” : false,
    “fullscreenResolution” : [1920, 1080],
    “gameServerBind” : “*”,
    “gameServerPort” : 21025,
    “interactiveHighlight” : true,
    “inventory” : {
    “pickupToActionBar” : true
    “limitTextureAtlasSize” : false,
    “maxPlayers” : 8,
    “maxTeamSize” : 4,
    “maximized” : true,
    “monochromeLighting” : false,
    “musicVol” : 70,
    “playerBackupFileCount” : 3,
    “queryServerBind” : “*”,
    “rconServerBind” : “*”,
    “safeScripts” : true,
    “scriptInstructionLimit” : 10000000,
    “scriptInstructionMeasureInterval” : 10000,
    “scriptProfilingEnabled” : false,
    “scriptRecursionLimit” : 100,
    “serverFidelity” : “automatic”,
    “serverName” : “A Starbound Server”,
    “serverUsers” : {
    “sfxVol” : 100,
    “speechBubbles” : true,
    “title” : {
    “multiPlayerAccount” : “”,
    “multiPlayerAddress” : “”,
    “multiPlayerPort” : “”
    “tutorialMessages” : true,
    “vsync” : false,
    “windowedResolution” : [1920, 1017],
    “zoomLevel” : 3

    Last edited: Jun 15, 2017

  9. But mine is above too , and i didnt change anything in config.

    Also for long post like that you should use spoiler balise x)

  10. What will happen if i do the step 4? will it change the settings of the game that will ruin it? i feel scared to make the changes…

  11. No, for some reason Starbound forces vsync whenever you install it, regardless the only way to turn vsync off is through the ini, or in some cases (like mine) xml file in the proper directory. The directory should look like steamapps > common > Starbound > storage (and then you find your ini or xml file, open it, ctrl f to find vsync, disable it by using the “false” code), and save. That’s really all.

  12. Why do I need to create an account to download? it is as stupid and unnecessary as an ignorant who tries to eat Chinese with chopsticks, Seriously, I downloaded the game illegally, without paying a coin, it’s not in my language, lag problems and now this, see that I am a supporter to pay, But the more frustrations I find along the way, the more reasons I have to think that it’s really not worth it, Of course! I appreciate the hard work and effort of the people, even so, the website is lazy and simple, I have seen better websites of video games practically pathetic, I do not know what the hell I’m trying to write this … Nobody misunderstand me, I do not say it’s bullshit, I just like to complain, apologies… delete my account, I will not use it again, I do not intend to return to see people’s answersa.

    Best regards to all.

  13. Hsnk

    Void-Bound Voyager

    I will reinstall starbound to try this

  14. Hey! Thanks for helping! All of this works, YOURE THE BEST!

  15. Hsnk

    Void-Bound Voyager

    Works On Cheerful Giraffe And Glad Giraffe But 1.3 Don’t Work

  16. i was also unable to find “rendersleep”

  17. Worked pretty well, although, the No Shadows mod, seems to make my game lag worse.

  18. Hsnk

    Void-Bound Voyager

    Enable Admin, and then you put this command
    / fullbright 1
    Thus the shadows are removed ^^

  19. Not find renderSleep/Steam version

  20. Hey, if you can teach me to send you files I have indate versions of some FPS boosting mods that help me alot, I got a pretty abysmal laptop too.

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