This program cannot be run in dos mode как исправить



12 лет назад

Дополнен 12 лет назад

у меня даже ссылку не может кинуть в маил.. . пишет ошибку…




12 лет назад

Известный издевательский трюк: ) хех…
Отркывается у тебя блокнот при попытке запустить .exe, и тебе вырисовывает как тут (MZh/MZp – ключевое поле, идентифицирующее программу для Windows(PE00 заголовок) , текст This program cannot be run in DOS mode – “Эта программа не может быть запущена в режиме DOS” – стандартный текст ошибки, когда программа запускается из-под DOS, а не Windows):

Обычно такое происходит либо в результате шутки, либо в результате заражения вирусами. Рекомендую проверить компьютер на вирусы, а в частности блокнот (notepad.exe). Именно что-то из этих двух заменило в классах файлов программу (шелл) для запуска .exe файлов.
Вот два файла:
Скачай их и запусти, будет запрос “Импортировать данные в реестр? “(или примерно так) Нажмешь да.
Перезагружаешься, и, если у тебя не вирус/троян, который постоянно перезаписывает эти данные, у тебя всё будет нормально работать.

Как вариант, также можно запускать программы через диспетчер задач:
CTRL+SHIFT+ESC -> Новая задача->выбирай программу для запуска





12 лет назад

Как я понял у тебя появляется страница с кучей иероглифов. Пользуйся менеджерами закачек, типа Download Master, и будет тебе счастье. Ну или со строки адреса скопируй ссылку и кинь напрямую в загружчик браузера.

Let’s visualize your current PC usage experience. 

You are trying to open a program on your computer. Unfortunately, you have failed every time. At the same time, you have received an error message saying this program cannot be run in dos mode.

Now, what can do you do right now?

Truly, you will get the appropriate answer to your asking by exploring this article. In fact, the article is dedicatedly written to assist you to get rid of the error. 

How to Fix When This Program Cannot Be Run in Dos Mode

Table of Contents

  • Why The Error Occurs
  • What to Do If This Program Cannot Be Run in Dos Mode
    • Fix 1: Customize Command Settings
    • Fix 2: Create A Bootable Disk Using FreeDOS
    • [Extra Fix] What to Do When the Error Occurs On Mac Systems
  • Final Words

Why The Error Occurs

The problematic program may not be compatible with the DOS Mode partially. It is the most possible reason for occurring the error. Or any system corruption may create the error. Moreover, the error can occur on both Microsoft Windows and Mac Operating System. 

Whatever the reason is, the error is solvable. I will attach the possible fixes below. You can follow them. Before jumping into the details, let’s check the list first. 

  • Fix 1: Customize Command Settings
  • Fix 2: Create A Bootable Disk Using FreeDOS
  • [Extra Fix] What to Do When the Error Occurs On Mac Systems

Fix 1: Customize Command Settings

You can resolve the issue by customizing the command settings. I will attach the process in detail below. 

Step 1

Firstly, you need to tap the Windows and ‘R’ keys together. Then type ‘command’ into the ‘Open’ bar and press the ‘Ok’ at the end. 

Step 2

Accordingly, a DOS Mode window will become evident on the screen. You have to right-click on the title and select the ‘Properties’ from the appeared context menu. 

After that, you need to select the ‘Advanced Program Settings’. Consequently, a related window will appear. From here, you need to mark on the ‘Prevent MS-DOS-based programs from detecting Windows’ option. In the end, confirm the settings’ change by pressing ‘Ok’.

Finally, try to open the program and observe the existence of the error. If it exists, you will need to follow the next fix.    

Fix 2: Create A Bootable Disk Using FreeDOS

When the upper fix does not work, you have to create a bootable disk using FreeDOS to run the program without facing any error. To do so-

Firstly, you need to download the compatible ‘Rufus‘ file extension from the open-source internet. 

Next, run the newly downloaded ‘.exe’ file and look at the ‘Format Options’ where you will see the ‘Create a bootable disk using-‘ option. Mark on it.  

After that, expand the drop-down option and select ‘FreeDOS’. Here you have to tap the ‘Start’ tab from the bottom. 

Then copy the problematic program into the newly booted USB Drive and restart the computer. The process will boot the PC into DOS Mode. Now, you can find the problematic program in DOS Command easily. 

Finally, run the program errorlessly. This process will work in Microsoft Windows. 

However, if you are a Mac user, I will attach an extra item to assist you to get rid of the error.    

The error may occur on Mac systems as well. If it occurs on your Mac Book, you can follow the below process. 

The problem will appear on the Mac when you try to open the ‘.dmg’ file of the program. It misguides the DiskImageMounter. So you have to be free from such a scenario. 

You have to select the file in the finder and press the ‘I‘ command. Then select the DiskImageMounter and apply it to all. After that, it will mount the disk image properly with the installer. 

As an extension, if you try to open the ‘.exe‘ file, you will run it within Boot Camp. For your kind info, you have to do it for opening all windows programs through Mac.

Final Words

In the end, I hope that you might get rid of the ‘this program cannot be run in dos mode’ issue. In addition, when you are a Windows user, you can skip the Mac-related fix. On the other hand, if you are a Mac user, you can skip the main two fixes.  

Не могу решить две проблемы первая при этапе компоновки и линковки ml.exe /c /coff program.asm
link.exe /subsystem:windows program.obj выдаёт ошибку – This program cannot be run in DOS mode.
вторая проблема сделать так чтобы изображение окружности было вписано в квадрат в данном коде, его надо заполнить.

.model flat, stdcall
option casemap :none ; case sensitive
includelib kernel32.lib
includelib user32.lib
includelib gdi32.lib
.data? ; ---
Desktop dd ?
Canvas dd ?
Razmer dd 4 dup (?);
X dd ?
Y dd ?
X1 dd ?
Y1 dd ?
X2 dd ?
Y2 dd ?
R dd 100
dva dd 2
call GetDesktopWindows
mov Desktop,eax
push offset Razmer
push Desktop
call GetWindowReact
push Desktop
call GetWindowsDC
mov Canva,eax
mov eax,Razmer
add eax,Razmer+8
mov edx,0
div dva
mov X,eax
mov eax,Razmer+4
add eax,Razmer+12
mov edx,0
div dva
mov Y,eax
mov eax,X
sub eax,R
mov X1,eax
mov eax,Y
sub eax,R
mov Y1,eax
mov eax,X
add eax,R
mov X2, eax
mov eax,Y
add eax, R
mov Y2,eax
push Y2
push X2
push Y1
push X1
push Canvas
call Ellipse
push 0
call ExitPocess
end start

If you’re a developer, you may have encountered the error message “This program cannot run in DOS mode” when trying to run a certain program. This error can be frustrating, but luckily there are several solutions to try. In this guide, we’ll walk you through some of the most effective ways to fix this error.

What Causes the Error: ‘This Program Cannot Run in DOS Mode’?

The most common cause of this error is attempting to run a program designed for a Windows operating system on a DOS operating system. This error can also occur if the program is corrupted or if there is a compatibility issue with the operating system.

Tips and Solutions to Fix the Error

Solution 1: Run the Program in Compatibility Mode

One solution is to run the program in compatibility mode. To do this, right-click on the program icon and select “Properties.” Then, click on the “Compatibility” tab and check the box next to “Run this program in compatibility mode for:” and select the appropriate operating system.

Solution 2: Check for Corrupted Files

If the program is corrupted, it may not run properly. To check for corrupted files, run a virus scan and a malware scan. You can also try reinstalling the program to ensure that all files are intact.

Solution 3: Update Your Operating System

If you are running an outdated operating system, it may not be compatible with the program you are trying to run. Updating your operating system to the latest version may fix the issue.

Solution 4: Run the Program in a Virtual Machine

If none of the above solutions work, you can try running the program in a virtual machine. This will allow you to run the program on a different operating system without affecting your current system. There are several virtual machine software options available, such as VirtualBox and VMware.


Q1. What is DOS mode?

DOS mode is a command-line interface that was used in older versions of Windows operating systems. It is no longer used in modern operating systems.

Q2. Can I run a Windows program on a DOS operating system?

No, you cannot run a Windows program on a DOS operating system.

Q3. How do I know if a program is corrupted?

If a program is corrupted, it may not run properly or may give error messages. Running a virus scan and a malware scan can help identify any corrupted files.

Q4. What is compatibility mode?

Compatibility mode is a feature in Windows that allows you to run programs designed for older operating systems on newer operating systems.

Q5. How do I set up a virtual machine?

To set up a virtual machine, you will need to download virtual machine software such as VirtualBox or VMware. Then, follow the software’s instructions to create a virtual machine and install the operating system you want to use.


The error message “This program cannot run in DOS mode” can be frustrating, but with the tips and solutions outlined in this guide, you should be able to fix the issue. Remember to always check for corrupted files, update your operating system, and try running the program in compatibility mode or a virtual machine if needed. With these solutions, you can get back to coding in no time!

  • How to fix “This program cannot run in DOS mode”
  • What is compatibility mode?
  • VirtualBox
  • VMware

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Операционка на модуле DOS 6.22

А… ты именно на этом модуле хочешь запустить софт для мигания …
В своё время собирал огромный кибернетический девайс из подобных штуковин (PC/104), у меня их друг на друге штук 10 что ли сендвичем торчало … Но на главной процессорной плате был WindowsXP
Кто – то над тобой поиздевался, если там только DOS стоять может, или может ты про сто не в курсе, что туда Windows поставить можно? Может ты просто купил его так сказать без ОС, ос отдельно поставить наверное можно же …

Ну ок, допустим DOS, ну и что же ты хочешь сделать? Просто проверить? Ну тогда установи все биты порты в 1, записав туда 255, допустим так:

#define PORT 0x378
void main()
        outportb(PORT, 255 );

Можно ассемблером писать в порт, это то же самое, что и функция outportb:

_asm {
    mov dx, 378h
    mov al, 255
    out dx, al

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