Vicamon exe системная ошибка как исправить

0 / 0 / 0

Регистрация: 30.04.2014

Сообщений: 20


30.04.2014, 15:34. Показов 6014. Ответов 18

Студворк — интернет-сервис помощи студентам

Не до конца устанавливается web камера A4tech PK-30MU выскакивает ошибка
камера Atech PK-30MU, Что может быть?

Добавлено через 16 минут
Windows XP sp3 Vicamon.exe – обнаружена ошибка. Приложение будет закрыто. Приносим извинения за неудобства.



Эксперт Windows

8587 / 3334 / 243

Регистрация: 25.10.2010

Сообщений: 13,594

30.04.2014, 15:41


Где драйвера на камеру брали?


0 / 0 / 0

Регистрация: 30.04.2014

Сообщений: 20

30.04.2014, 15:43



С диска к ней, также с инета скачивал тоже самое. Устанавливал ее в последнюю очередь после установки ХР заново



Эксперт Windows

8587 / 3334 / 243

Регистрация: 25.10.2010

Сообщений: 13,594

30.04.2014, 15:45


Покажите скрин диспетчера устройств


0 / 0 / 0

Регистрация: 30.04.2014

Сообщений: 20

30.04.2014, 15:58





Vicamon.exe - обнаружена ошибка. Приложение будет закрыто. Приносим извинения за неудобства



Эксперт Windows

8587 / 3334 / 243

Регистрация: 25.10.2010

Сообщений: 13,594

30.04.2014, 16:04


makcim59, попробуйте камеру в другой порт усб подключить? Драйвера на чипсет устанавливали?


0 / 0 / 0

Регистрация: 30.04.2014

Сообщений: 20

30.04.2014, 16:06



Драйверы ставил, все нормально. Так он выдает ошибку и при неподключенной камере



Эксперт Windows

8587 / 3334 / 243

Регистрация: 25.10.2010

Сообщений: 13,594

30.04.2014, 16:10


Удалите драйвера на камеру, удалите камеру из диспетчера устройств, перезагрузите ПК, далее попробуйте установить драйвера заново
ЗЫ точку восстановления прежде сделайте


0 / 0 / 0

Регистрация: 30.04.2014

Сообщений: 20

30.04.2014, 16:23



Все как вы сказали сделал после установки драйверо на камеру нажимаю финиш и выскакивает без конца эта ошибка


Vicamon.exe - обнаружена ошибка. Приложение будет закрыто. Приносим извинения за неудобства



Эксперт Windows

8587 / 3334 / 243

Регистрация: 25.10.2010

Сообщений: 13,594

30.04.2014, 16:25


Скопируйте паку с установочным софтом для камеры в корень диска С, попробуйте оттуда установить


0 / 0 / 0

Регистрация: 30.04.2014

Сообщений: 20

30.04.2014, 16:27



так и ставил с жесткого диска… Заново систему переставлять не хочется…



Эксперт Windows

8587 / 3334 / 243

Регистрация: 25.10.2010

Сообщений: 13,594

30.04.2014, 16:30


У вас установка по для камеры идет из папки Загрузки, в названии папки есть русские буквы, иногда это бывает проблемой.


0 / 0 / 0

Регистрация: 30.04.2014

Сообщений: 20

30.04.2014, 16:34



Скачал другие драйверы записал в корень С в папку с английскими буквами. Установилось, не стал нажимать Finish, запустил программу IM Magician все тоже самое. Что делать не подскажите?



Эксперт Windows

8587 / 3334 / 243

Регистрация: 25.10.2010

Сообщений: 13,594

30.04.2014, 16:38


Проверьте брандмауэр и антивирус, мб. они блокируют?


0 / 0 / 0

Регистрация: 30.04.2014

Сообщений: 20

30.04.2014, 16:44



Добавил в исключения нод32 и брендмауэр ничего не изменилось



Эксперт Windows

8587 / 3334 / 243

Регистрация: 25.10.2010

Сообщений: 13,594

30.04.2014, 16:45


Сообщение от makcim59
Посмотреть сообщение


временно отключите, откуда софт качали, ссылку можно


0 / 0 / 0

Регистрация: 30.04.2014

Сообщений: 20

30.04.2014, 16:55


17… 1da85c52c0
и с выключенным брендмауэром тоже самое

Добавлено через 3 минуты
до этого на этом компе эта камера стояла….

Добавлено через 1 минуту
на камере написано PK-30MU и драйверов конкретно на MU нет… ставил с инета MJ



Эксперт Windows

8587 / 3334 / 243

Регистрация: 25.10.2010

Сообщений: 13,594

30.04.2014, 17:06


Сообщение от makcim59
Посмотреть сообщение

на камере написано PK-30MU

Код экземпляра устройства напишите (Дисп. уст-в, последние 2 устройства)


0 / 0 / 0

Регистрация: 30.04.2014

Сообщений: 20

30.04.2014, 23:50



Нашел в чем причина. Еще стоит тюнер Aver TV M168-U 302AAGK. Так после его установки камера перестает работать, выдается ошибка. Если снести Тюнер, то все нормально. Что можно сделать в этом плане? Оставил без тюнера.





12 лет назад

Процесс : vicamon.exe


Путь Имя автозапуска Версия файла Значение Расположение Название компании Описание файла Копирайт Название продукта
C:Program FilesIM Magicianvicamon.exe IMMON 1, 0, 0, 2 “C:Program FilesIM MagicianVicamon.exe” HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun (Disabled by AnVir) Vimisoft Studio IM Magician Camera Monitor Vimisoft Studio. Copyright (C) 2008 IM Magician




6 лет назад

Программа для веб камеры. Если вылетает с ошибкой (частое явление), значит скорее всего конфликтует с другим видео устройством (отключите их в диспетчере устройств).

5 ways how to solve vicamon.exe error

vicamon.exe error: get rid of this annoying Windows system message

How to handle error messages related to vicamon.exe?
To be honest, there is a very few things one can do with this general error.
But you can at least give a chance to some general manteinance steps.
So if vicamon.exe error appears, try this:

  1. Reinstall vicamon.exe
  2. Update software package containing vicamon.exe
  3. Contact author (manufacturer) of the program
  4. Run a general system scan with IT Sponge
  5. Write down exact error number and/or text of an error message and search internet for it.
    This step mostly comprise doing some pretty hardcore software tricks. Beware, especially if you’re not a computer pro.

If there is a lot of error messages for a different programs, it may indicate a deeper problem with your operating system or hardware.
In that case, try to apply OS patches or scan the computer with general maintenance tool.

You can be also interested in: checking if vicamon.exe is virus or not (or more specific vicamon.exe application error) Removal guide: how to remove vicamon.exe. Solve problems with vicamon.exe not responding. Typical Windows message: vicamon.exe high cpu. How to handle damaged file: vicamon.exe is corrupted.

Main article: vicamon.exe

vicamon.exe errorSecurity risk rating: N/A

Note: The security risk rating is based on user’s opinions. This is not our recommendation or adwice any way. Please use your own mind and think twice 🙂
Trojan and malware info: N/A

Typical errors: File not found, An error occured in file, Not responding, Application Error 0x , Howto delete, stop, run, remove and find the file…

– N/A is an abbreviation for “Not available”. That means that now we have no information if this process is harmful or not.
– There is almost unlimited numbers of messages that should appear while you’re running the software. We selected only the typical ones here

Related posts for vicamon.exe

See Related Forum Messages: Follow the Links Below to View Complete Thread

Summary: 0 user rated this process.

Nameparts: vi camon, vic amon, vica mon, vicam on, .

User reviews snapshot:

[22:24:06] kms-qad.exe: malware analiz…
[00:22:19] sandisksecureaccessv2_win.exe: how to restore the flasdisk sa…
[20:58:22] dx8vb.dll: the risk is virus …
[14:18:21] nvspcaps.exe: NVIDIA Server Capture is neces…
[20:01:40] pcacli.dll: If you have a game or anything…
[22:42:35] half_life_2_lost_coast_gdf.dll: halmacpi.dll…
[06:33:34] nvgftraypluginr.dll: NvGFT Plugin.dll

[20:21:06] ivms-4200.exe: Process required for IVMS CCTV…
[19:16:19] pclink.exe: Wireless Printing software for…
[00:18:37] mcnetwork.dll: amze…

Warning: Once again about user reviews. Our users can freely add their reviews about whatever process they want.
We, of course, purify and filter raged words. However, do not trust everything. We have no time to review any user’s sentence.
So the information provided in user reviews CAN be innacurate. Or misprinted. Or anything else. Are you adult, aren’t you? We believe in your mind.

Windows process DB: hidfind.exe consent.exe switchboard.exe werfault.exe trustedinstaller.exe grpconv.exe funshioninstall.exe bservice.exe driver.exe df.exe conhost.exe cli.exe cfpupdat.exe ccsvchst.exe avp.exe avastsvc.exe atiedxx.exe apoint.exe 00thotkey.exe javaw.exe avmenu.exe atwtusb.exe prnpack.exe msftesql.exe thaker.exe lxbvbmon.exe usbtip.exe autoclk.exe adiras.exe lines.exe

New: Windows dynamic link library DB: coieplg.dll, ver. , cokr3260.dll, ver., colbact.dll, ver. 2001.12.4414.258, colbact.dll, colbact.dll, colbact.dll, collada.dll, collectionexp.dll, collector.dll, color.dll, colorcorrector.dll, colorcvt.dll, comaddin.dll, comaddin.dll, comadmin.dll, dllhost etc…

Available version list table, select the version you have on your PC:

Security MD5 or checksum Version Location Size
N/A 3AD33720 0 B

Retypes: wxe, rxe, eze, ece, exw, exr, eexe, exxe, exee, cicamon, bicamon, vucamon, vocamon, vixamon, vivamon, vicsmon, vicanon, vica,on, vicamin, vicampn, vicamob, vicamom, vvicamon, viicamon, viccamon, vicaamon, vicammon, vicamoon, vicamonn, icamon, vcamon, viamon, vicmon, vicaon, vicamn, vicamo, vycamon, wicamon, ficamon,

What is the carbon footprint of your coffee?

Is it low? Is it high? Can this things really kill the planet Earth? Maybe the answer will surprise you. Maybe not.


This web site and all information written here is for information purposes only, WITHOUT ANY VARANTY.
You should always verify the accuracy of information provided on this page.
We pay a big attention to provide you with the correct information.
However, many spyware and malware programs
use filenames of usual, non-malware processes and DLLs.
If we have included information about vicamon.exe that is inaccurate,
we would appreciate your help by getting us know about your user review.
Also, web links to software and DLL vendors are provided just for your conform,
and we cannot guarantee its accuracy nor relevance with DLL or process listed on this page.
We are not affiliated with this pages. We are not responsible for misprints on this site
or changes occured since this page was published. The product, software and operating system names
mentioned on this web site, can be copyrighted and registered trademarks of their owners.

Updated March 2023: Stop getting error messages and slow down your system with our optimization tool. Get it now at this link

  1. Download and install the repair tool here.
  2. Let it scan your computer.
  3. The tool will then repair your computer.

vicamon.exe is a part of Microsoft® Windows® Operating System program developed by VimisoftStudio.Some applications or games may need this file to work properly. If vicamon.exe is error, whenever you start the application/game you may experience various kinds of errors. To fix those errors, please read the Recommended Solution below:

  • Company: VimisoftStudio
  • Product: IMMagician
  • Version: 1,0,0,30
  • MD5: not found
  • Size: 143360.00 Byte

Is vicamon.exe a virus

The legit vicamon.exe process is located in the e: programfiles vimimagic folder. If it is located elsewhere, it could be malware as a virus can have any name. Some virus can pretend to be vicamon.exe and reside in the Windows or the System32 folder. One way to confirm would be to right-click on the file and use anti-virus software to scan it – download anti-virus here

What is vicamon.exe is error mean?

There are multiple reasons that may cause vicamon.exe errors. These include Windows registry issues, malicious software, faulty applications, etc.Error messages related to the vicamon.exe file can also indicate that the file has been incorrectly installed, corrupted or removed.

Other common vicamon.exe errors include:

  • “vicamon.exe is missing”
  • “vicamon.exe error loading”
  • “vicamon.exe crash”
  • “vicamon.exe was not found”
  • “vicamon.exe could not be located”
  • “vicamon.exe Access Violation”
  • “The procedure entry point vicamon.exe error”
  • “Cannot find vicamon.exe”
  • “Cannot register vicamon.exe”

Recommended Solution to Fix vicamon.exe error

To quickly resolve your problem, we recommend download and use vicamon.exe Fix Tool,this tool perform a scan for vicamon.exe issues and other system errors. It will also check if all .dll and .exe files are registered in the system and scan for other issues that may be preventing system from working properly. After the scan process, it will allow you to repair the errors.

Step 1: Click the “Download Here” button to get an automatic tool.

Step 2: Install the utility by following simple installation instructions.

Step 3: Launch the program to fix your vicamon.exe errors and other issues.

Download Fix Tool to Remove vicamon.exe Error

Best Recommendation

Fix All your PC Errors

Best PC Tool To Fix All your PC Errors

More than 26 valuable tools will be in your hand, from optimizing, cleaning, fixing, and analyzing your pc.

Fix it Now

First of all let
us explain what is vicamon.exe file, and why its in your PC. find
out which company produced this file so you could decide if it is safe file or dangerous file.

file path:


file size:

143360.00 (byte)

Recommended actions to fix vicamon.exe file

vicamon.exe causes Registry Errors :

Tutorial how to Scan and fix your system for registry errors

In this
tutorial i will show you how to fix system registry errors in easy steps.

Optimizing the Windows registry can significantly enhance your computer’s performance.
It is also important to understand that even when the redundant registry entries refer to files or folders, the program only deletes the entries in the registry, not the files or folders on your system.

First step download Asmwsoft PC Optimizer

  •  Run Asmwsoft PC Optimizer then select Fix Registry problems.

fix registry errors

  •  then click select all option then click start, it may take few
    minutes depending on your registry file size.
  • after finishing search please click “Fix Selected” button.
  • if you run the registry fix tool for the first time you will be prompted to take a backup copy of the registry.

Tutorial how to unlock & delete vicamon.exe locked file

In this tutorial i will show you How to unlock and delete locked files and folders in easy steps.

First step
download Asmwsoft PC Optimizer

  •  Run Asmwsoft PC Optimizer then select “Force Deleter” button.

How to unlock and delete locked file and folders

  •  click “add file” button to add file that you want to unlock
    and delete, you could add files as many as you need.
  •  click “add folder” button, to add locked folder to delete.
  • Click the “unlock and delete” button.
  • you may need to restart your pc to remove some locked files or

How to unlock and delete locked files and folders by changing their ownership

Sometimes, you can’t remove or delete a file because you don’t have ownership rights to do so, and here comes the obvious question, why don’t I have the right to delete a specific file or folder? The short answer is that your files or folders may have been created in the past when you had a different operating system than the current one, so the files are compatible with that previous version of the operating system but not with the current version, so you must first give ownership through the installed operating system Currently on your device, and only then you can delete any private files with ease, just follow the steps as follows:-

Step 1. Choose the file or folder you wish to delete and right click on it.

Step 2. Select Properties from the context menu, and the file properties window will appear immediately.

Step 3. Go to the “Security” tab, and click on the “Advanced” button.

Advanced security settings for locked file not to be deleted

Step 4. When you go to the advanced security settings window, you will
discover the owner of the file under the name “Owner”.

Step 5. In
some cases, the OS name is written as the owner name, or other times it
appears as “TrustedInstaller”, however, now just click on the “Change”
button next to the owner name.

Change the owner of the file to be able to delete it

Note: TrustedInstaller is a built-in
Windows account responsible for removing and modifying updates and various
other essential components. So if you find the file owner name is
“TrustedInstaller”, it is best not to change or delete it; Because that
makes the file system more unstable, so change the name from
“TrustedInstaller” to something else. If you know exactly what you’re doing,
be careful applying the steps.

Step 6. Inside the “Enter the object name to select” box, enter a new username and press “Check Names” to check whether it is ok or not, finally, click “OK” to save the changes.

Deleting a file is undeletable by changing the primary owner

Step 7. Go back to the advanced security settings and you will notice a checkbox named “Replace owner on subcontainers and objects”, simply tick this checkbox, click “Apply” to save the changes, then “OK”.

Step 8. Now exit the file properties window, and restart your computer.

Step 9. Now open the properties of the file you want to delete again by right-clicking on it, and choose from the “Properties” menu, then go to the Security tab, and then click on “Advanced”.

Step 10. Again, under the “Permission” tab, check the “Replace all child object permission entries with inheritable permission entries from this object” option.

Step 11. Next, click on the Edit button below it, and in the Permission window, select the Full Control option and click on OK.

Now try deleting the file or folder again, this time for sure the file will be deleted without any problem.

Delete Locked files by disabling the antivirus

Antivirus is a
necessity in every computer, antivirus software contains many useful
tools and features that help protect files and folders from any virus or
malicious software, sometimes you will not be able to delete your files,
where there is another possible reason, which is that your Antivirus prevents deleting some files, if you are having trouble deleting your files, you need to check your antivirus software once, even this type of software causes problems and prevents you from deleting files and folders.

How to uninstall vicamon.exe program- remove software from PC?

In this
tutorial i will show you how to uninstall program- remove software from PC in easy steps.

Have you ever been bothered with software applications that just won’t uninstall themselves from the Add/Remove Programs list found in the Control Panel of Windows?

Or seen duplicate entries there?  if you are having problems with uninstalling a program from this list of applications, simply
we will use Asmwsoft PC Optimizer To do that in simple steps.

First step download Asmwsoft PC Optimizer

  •  Run Asmwsoft PC Optimizer then select “Fix invalid
    installation” button.

How to uninstall program- remove software from PC

  •  click “fix invalid entries” button to quickly fix invalid
    installation entries.
  • To completely remove the software and files installed when you install the software in your PC.
    • select and click the software from the program list.
    • click the “uninstall program” button the simply follow
      instruction of removing.
    • when uninstallation finished click the “refresh” button if you
      still seeing the program name in program list, then click the
      software again.
    • click “delete entry” button.
  • if you want to get full information of any installed program then select the software from programs list then click the “program info” button.

How to Clean out junk files to free up disk space?

In this tutorial i will show you How to Clean out junk files to free up disk space in easy steps.

junk files are files created by Windows and other software that write temporary files, during installation and when running.

First step download Asmwsoft PC Optimizer

  •  Run Asmwsoft PC Optimizer then select “Clean Junk Files” button.

How to Clean out junk files to free up disk space

  •  click “Start” button to start searching for junk files in your
    PC, and wait for the search to finish.
  • Then click the “Select All” button.
  • Click the “start cleaning” button.

All comments For vicamon.exe:

bereg Says exe file it is dangerous, system virus ….

05/09/2021 12:18:14

list of Variants that we see for the process: vicamon.exe

Path: C:Program Files (x86)IM Magicianvicamon.exe

version: 1, 0, 0, 30
// size: 143360 byte
MD5 signiture: 273caebbb61cabd8d0dd3cb54525bc33

Path: C:Program Files (x86)IM Magicianvicamon.exe

version: 1, 0, 0, 10
// size: 143360 byte
MD5 signiture: 059b26d5478c096829a0da855e4d3766

Path: C:Program FilesIM MagicianVicamon.exe

version: 1, 0, 0, 30
// size: 143360 byte
MD5 signiture: a17e788480500bf56f0a00796740c021

Path: C:Program Files (x86)IM Magicianvicamon.exe

version: 1, 0, 0, 10
// size: 143360 byte
MD5 signiture: ce3bbeae5e5158b754a9b2770159b8d7


version: –
// size: 0 byte
MD5 signiture: 35513ee182905dcdca8605a0829c54ba

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