You are currently offline unity как это исправить

In Unity 2019, the solution is very easy as follow:

(1) Click on the “Asset Store” tap in Unity.

(2) On that “Asset Store” tap, find the symbol that looks like the ” three vertical dot ” located at the top right corner of the “Asset Store” tab.

(3) Then, click on that ” three vertical dot ” symbol. You will see a drop-down menu.

(4) Next, on that drop-down menu, click on the “Reload” button.

Now, Unity will automatically re-connect or re-logon to Unity asset store. For most people, this will fix the issue at this point.

However, if you still can’t logon at this point, then you may need to install “Unity hub“, which is a new feature in Unity 2019. This will fix the issue for sure.

(Note: This solution works perfectly well for Unity 2019 all the times. However, it may not work very reliably every single times for Unity 2017 and Unity 2018, but you still can try as it may work for you.)

I have tried a lot of ways, I opened the ASSETSTORE again after ITY2020.3.13FC1.

Probably, after passing through the AssetsTore web page, after adding resources into its own resources, select Unity to open and go to the package manager.
I tried to import resources in this way in Unity2020.3.13FC1.

Just find a free resource in Assetsteore, click to open in Unity

If your Unity has run, you will jump directly to the Unity interface, and the packageManager will display the corresponding resources.

Click Download in the lower right corner, I am already here, directly click Import.

Click IMPOT to import the resource.

Resources can also be used normally
Change to 2019.4.28 Import resources in this way can also be used normally

Next, look at what the 2021 version is
I downloaded 2021.1.15

The same can be opened normally through the web page, and in the 2021 version opens through the Windows-> Assets Store, it is directly jumped to the webpage, and Unity is not in the window with AssetsStore.

It seems that it is really a time.

In Unity 2019, the solution is very easy as follow:

(1) Click on the “Asset Store” tap in Unity.

(2) On that “Asset Store” tap, find the symbol that looks like the ” three vertical dot ” located at the top right corner of the “Asset Store” tab.

(3) Then, click on that ” three vertical dot ” symbol. You will see a drop-down menu.

(4) Next, on that drop-down menu, click on the “Reload” button.

Now, Unity will automatically re-connect or re-logon to Unity asset store. For most people, this will fix the issue at this point.

However, if you still can’t logon at this point, then you may need to install “Unity hub“, which is a new feature in Unity 2019. This will fix the issue for sure.

(Note: This solution works perfectly well for Unity 2019 all the times. However, it may not work very reliably every single times for Unity 2017 and Unity 2018, but you still can try as it may work for you.)

“You Are Currently Offline” when attempting to access the asset store from within the editor?

I recently downloaded Unity Personal 5.6.1f1 (64-bit) and am using it on Windows 10.

I have no problem accessing the net from any of my other apps. Firefox, Chrome, Edge, Steam, ftp, etc all work fine.

I searched for Firewall, opened the control panel, and saw that Unity Editor was not enabled for public and private networks, so I fixed that, saved, and made sure it took. No dice.

I disabled the firewall completely. Still no dice.

I tried logging out of my account and back in from the Unity editor. I got an error message: “An error occured.” But I still seem to be logged in, so I assume it never logged me out in the first place.

I have opened and closed the app, and I have opened it with administrator privileges enabled. Still nothing.

Any ideas how to correct this?

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